e t u d e n o . 1 2

listening to the "plastic-folio" unfolding.

v a r i a t i o n i n t h e j e w e l b o x

You open it, and it begins.

right "etude no.12 variation in the jewel box / stereo duo"
left "etude no.12 variation in the jewel box / mono

no.12 variation in gewel box

people are instructed to compress the folio with their finger in the little cubes.

put them close to both ears.

You will find another wolrd created with the things that might be in your gabage can.

etude no.12 ear

v a r i a t i o n i n t h e b o t t l e
no.12 in the bottle no.12 listening

the glass bottle cancels background sound of the room, etc and amplify the sound of etude no.12.


image: bottles of "Toni's Schafmilch Joghurt" made in Austria.

variation on light / microlandscape / cheap sculpture

no.12 variation on light /  microlandscape

plastic folio is put on light box

it creates photo work

and also sculpture

that makes sound of etude no.12

(c) 2009 a few notes production